I would like to call it exactly for this
episode my story starts in London I'm
here for the International War mark
prize and I'm speaking to some of the
key players in fashion and I'm very
curious what they have to say about
sustainability how do you think the
future of fashion will play out and your
sustainability can be sexy so let's see
I'm in a hurry

so here we are we're backstage but do
you think the future attention because
you're so much mg42 stainability sparkly
st. V's yes that I feel the future of
fashion suppose depression one of the
most sustainable myself action without
the story because it's made by hand
keep sustainability sex for me first of
all it's impossible to say
so eco-friendly party not simple to say
so it's basically a way to say that
self-sustainability no of course what
you do not be possible to be sexy why
you don't want to be covered you don't
have to ever what he says what is sexy
anyways let my daughter say less is more
so we should wear less would wear less
in a motor problem solve what is this
for serious
this is how she talks yogi hey models do
modeling where any other leg will have a
shoe profession she what do you that
like sheep's milk either oh she's no
cheese but I'll actually there's sheep
on the bikes you need to see it to
believe it
okay so what do you do to be sustainable
well number one in the office I say to
everyone that we're not using any
plastic here anymore
some people overthink this whole thing
I've got to stop and and wear hempen and
yeah is it you do your best and you
could do better and things come around
to support because your consumer habits
are changing so there's no destroys is a
good example is not going to be them
anymore suddenly that's a shift forever
yeah be on the right side of history do
the right thing don't make yourself
crazy over and are you high and if
you're a good and decent person don't
get that I think the world is changing
I'm very very excited to this thing of
your generation that is kind of telling
the industry how to improve their
practices in the industry is responding
and the great thing is that the big
luxury brands that have the financial
resources to support really in-depth
investigation can act as a resource for
these young designers as well
so are we rolling all right I think
fashion is this amazing vehicle that
impacts all of Thor so my question for
something like the Woolmark Rises that
as we move forward in this new era how
do we make sure that we're not just
reinterpreting the challenges that we've
always had yeah
how can we bring new voices in which is
what's brilliant about this next
generation yeah to ask full question
yeah like how can we make our entire
process is stable how can we make it
inclusive and accessible but also in
terms of our environmental impact that
is going to expect more marginalized
people first yeah
the only people who can afford to be
climate change deniers are those who are
in the top 1% yeah so in order to best
have the most inclusive and
intersectional solutions yeah we need to
bring those people to the table it's all
right thank you thank you so I hear oh
go on yeah we're searching for the good
light is always and now
the designers that took part in this
competition it was incredible how they
are able to be transparent with their
production and of course nothing is
perfect yet but I think the industries
are working in order to make it possible
I think more and more what is exciting
is that more and more money is going
into innovation and you have huge groups
putting buying labs in order to bring
money into it to get better materials
that they can use not about buying
pediculosis of clothes every year it's
about investing in pieces that you
really love so this was it for tonight
I've talked sustainability all night
I've learned so much and now I'm off to
Amsterdam to meet Ronald from the camp
and Duran Lanting and I'm really excited
to see what they have to say and I'm
gonna have a chat with Cameron Russell
so more sustainability talk
I'm on my way to meet Darrell antic he's
a quite controversial fashion designer
and I'm gonna talk to him about his work
and his rebellious design so how did it
all start I think I started from a very
young age so I started cutting up the
old clothes for my mom I think 9 or 10
but in the end I think it was for a good
cause because now I know right so this
is a mix of high-end designers where we
create unique pieces out of because for
me it was very important that we sort of
slow back in the mess producing with
luxury items so I started thinking about
like how can we create something which
is actually unique instead of like mass
producing your true passion yeah it's
cutting designer clothes and mixing them
yeah making them too into new pieces and
then that became consciousness and also
sustainable me the whole sustainability
and all the whole green thing became an
subject later but it was like it's
really from the core of my being to cut
up old clothes how do the designers feel
about because you're mixing matching
your own tastes well a lot of designers
that I met at during the LVMH were
actually very positive there were also a
few designers that wanted to do a
collaboration but I'm mixing different
designers so it doesn't quite sensitive
yeah it is but they especially now it's
a really hot topic in a way it is a good
thing for me that it's a hot topic
because people start understanding that
it's actually necessary to do something
with clothes that would you say time is
with you yeah yeah if you would have
done this 10 20 years ago people would
know no I don't think so I think it's
still quite kind of rebellious but
because of time and because of the
consciousness people are starting to
accept it they were actually
complimenting me like yes I'm so happy
where's my piece and and oh yeah I saw
that one this is if your honor yeah yeah
yeah yeah well not all the designers
probably but so there's a few who know
there are few that are fine with mixing
but they're they don't want to be names
yes look so cool well this is definitely
something I would wear yes this is so me
it's nice right yeah this is also one of
my favorites well this is what upcycling
looks like yeah like maybe rice is
saying you know is exactly what I'm
talking about
I know it's actually I I graduated in
2013 with a 3d printed shoe that was
actually kind of a big thing but then I
got so scared that I would be forever
the guy of the shoe and now I'm the guy
of the fagina pencil show me the money
when I go up I had one pretty dress
my mom would knit my sweaters looking
back at it it wasn't the best fashion
but it was very conscious and then as a
team I got into fast fashion because it
was affordable I could buy a lot and how
are we going back to slow fashion and
appreciate fashion and buying long term
yeah I hope really I hope people start
buying less and start being conscious
about what they're buying and and better
quality because if you buy something
that's a little bit more expensive and
better quality you'll have it for a
longer time and that's so important just
to buy less and better qualities would
you say for you it's all about changing
our mindsets I think it is all about
changing the mindset and it's all about
also new perspective at this point
fashion is all about rethinking the
whole business side of this industry I
think if you if you don't have the money
to buy to buy new designer clothes or
really good quality you can always
search for vintage clothes like there
are so many good vintage markets there
are so many good secondhand designer
shops I feel like in a way we're all
figuring out how to deal with how we can
preserve our planet and I think you are
one of the one of the biggest
inspirations in fashion don't do that as
you know and have this message yeah it
was so lovely to me Duran and it's
amazing to see somebody so creative
being sustainable and it was very
inspirational welcome so it's really
great that we could come here and show
you what Ronal is all about and the core
supporters of what I do I'm one of the
first love women wore one of her dresses
and had so much impacts for us yeah I
started as I worked for 25 years in
fashion industry always and you know
luxury-level in New York and Paris and
Milan yeah and I want point the things
started changing and I felt sort of like
the clothes weren't the same as they
used to be clothes we're getting cheaper
and cheaper so people started to looking
at clothes in a different way
and I wanted to make real beautiful
clothes but loved clothes that would
last that people would take care of and
that would become part of you know their
wardrobes so I wanted to make a
statement and say you know people do you
know what you're doing when you're
buying something that you throw away the
next day you know it's not but it's not
like a cup of cappuccino now you borrow
my clothes yeah
but then knowing that your your whole
collection is sustainable makes me more
proud to wear it and it's guilt-free
yeah you don't see it is that you know
it because that's the thing do you think
sustainable can be sexy well this is
what I try to show you know like I know
it is not extremely sexy yeah yeah you
should be yeah because then it's fun I
mean it should be fun and be about you
know just doing good now no one wants to
just do good you also want to look good
so people cannot all afford your because
it's all couture right yeah see one
piece or limited-edition but it inspires
people yeah whoa
so would you say that this was your
defining moment
your success or is it well this was one
of them I think one of the first things
was you I think spending yeah yeah
because wearing it was so I mean the cut
was genius yeah it looked really great
on you so that was like five six years
ago do you think at that time people
were into being sustainable the thing
that I think people didn't really know
and didn't realize they just like the
clothes and I wanted to be sexy like I
said before you know so you didn't worry
about it first
well I told them how I made it yeah yeah
we should also maybe get away from the
phrase something that no one has worn
because why if somebody has worn it
before I cannot wear it again I know
what a beautiful thing is for example
this cardi B I wanted to wear this
distressed but there's nothing more
about all these people already but she
didn't care
yeah it's beautiful or it and that's
such a great lesson still agree I love
that she did that so if I would wear it
again it would be upcycling recycling is
when you really when you have something
and you make something better out of it
so that would be upcycling yeah I would
like to call it exactly okay so this is
sort of like our idea of making fur
coats but then without making it in fur
this is made with all little pieces of
leftover fabrics a little village in
Morocco where women by doing this they
can make a living you know they make
beautiful things but nobody knows about
it so I want to put some attention to
them as well I'm gonna go home in this
wonderful glamorous dress I'm going to
give model activist Cameron Russell a
call to chat with her about
sustainability and her take on it we
grew up in the fashion world together
and she's been a dear friend ever since
it's hard to explain everything that
Cameron does so Cameron go ahead and
tell us
hi my name is Cameron Russell I'm
some people know me for this some people
know me for this care overreacting this
is a real world I'm really interested in
social justice
heimet justice who's in reform campaign
finance reform feminism and anti racism
and creative activism and I've been a
model since I was 16 some people myself
included do not know how these two
things fit together can I be an activist
and still work in fashion this industry
that creates so much waste a lot of us
are thinking what can I do to make
change I feel like sometimes a challenge
that I choose to work for certain brands
in the past to that energy I'm not
agreeing with or when you just start you
know at the same time because we work in
this fashion

we need to take action ourselves
educators yeah what well this is discard
well I want to thank you for this
conversation and then you know more to
come I would say right
she is so inspiring to me the lesson I
learned from this is that we need to
keep having the conversation that we
need to take action that we need to make
ourselves knowledgeable
I feel responsibility for creating the
change I think there's a huge
responsibility for me interventions to
YouTube I will keep talking about this
topic with my fashion peers and I will
keep you up to date and I'll see you
oh no I almost forgot the most important
thing because if you want to stay up to
date and if you like the subject and if
you got inspired overall please do a
thumbs up and subscribe and I'll see you
very soon
normally I'm really good at the hair


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