
Showing posts with the label SEXY AND SUSTAINABLE? • DOUTZEN DIARIES


SEXY AND SUSTAINABLE? • DOUTZEN DIARIES - SEXY AND SUSTAINABLE? • DOUTZEN DIARIES SEXY AND SUSTAINABLE? • DOUTZEN DIARIES I would like to call it exactly for this episode my story starts in London I'm here for the International War mark prize and I'm speaking to some of the key players in fashion and I'm very curious what they have to say about sustainability how do you think the future of fashion will play out and your sustainability can be sexy so let's see I'm in a hurry yeah so here we are we're backstage but do you think the future attention because you're so much mg42 stainability sparkly st. V's yes that I feel the future of fashion suppose depression one of the most sustainable myself action without the story because it's made by hand keep sustainability sex for me first of all it's impossible to say so eco-friendly party not simple to say so it's basically a way to say that self-sustainability no of...