what's up everyone welcome to my website
and I know you guys are probably going
crazy sitting at home not being able to
do anything because of this coronavirus
Cova 19 outbreak situation right so what
I decided to do is give you guys a full
body workout that you can do at home
with only your body weight so no
I had no gym membership even if you do
have a gym membership it's probably
closed and you need no weights for this
nothing at all so you can just use your
body weight this is gonna take about 20
to 25 minutes total and it's a full body
workout so hopefully you're at home
right now
watching and following along and if you
are able to complete this exercise then
comment below because I want to see you
guys reaction to this are you ready
let's go we're gonna start nice and slow
here and stretch and warm up stand up
and then you're gonna reach down touch
the ground and walk all the way to a
high plank position and then do a single
push-up and walk back with your hands a
right to your feet then stand back up
you're gonna do this five times just to
get your body moving just to get started
it's a nice little stretch with a little
push up in the bottom so really you're
just getting your blood flowing after
that we're gonna stretch our legs we're
gonna stretch our hips and we're gonna
start in a high plank position then
replace your right hand with your right
foot and then you're gonna rotate your
body to that same side and reach all the
way up with your hands and then you're
gonna do the same exact thing but on the
opposite side okay make sure that you're
stretching those legs opening up those
hips and you're gonna do ten of these
your body should be feeling ready to
start this workout remember this is just
a warm-up I hope you guys are ready
because now this is what it really
starts alright so this is how we start
we're gonna do cossacs quads also called
lateral lunges we go into a wide stance
as you can see here your toes should be
pointing out and you're gonna lunge to
one side slowly then activate your leg
muscles and stand right back up alright
then you go to the other side and do the
same exact thing these are supposed to
be slow and controlled not rushed and
shaky be very methodical with
movement to get the best results and
you're going to do a total of 12 of
these so six to each side
next up jump squats these are easy for
about five reps and then you start
feeling in your legs start hurting trust
me your legs gonna be burning by the end
of this okay come all the way down
squatting making sure that your knee
doesn't go past your toes when you look
down and then you're gonna explode up
getting as much air as you can and
you're doing this 12 times non-stop this
is gonna get you going this is going to
get your blood flowing for sure and
without even taking a break without even
thinking about taking a break you're
gonna go straight into a plank on your
elbows try to keep your body as straight
as possible squeeze your core really
squeeze your core to engage those
muscles planks are so good to strengthen
your core so keep squeezing and don't
drop your body maintain it straight for
30 seconds guys sorry o'clock's look at
your phone whatever it is that you have
to do but count to 30 seconds and then
you're gonna be able to let go of that
plank but not fully because once the
thirty seconds are up you're gonna
switch from your elbows and wrists to
your hands to a high plank position
okay we're gonna go into one of my
favorite exercises mountain climbers I
love doing mountain climbers because it
just gets your blood pumping it's a
really great workout for your core and
it will burn trust me you're doing 30 of
these so 15 on each side when you're
done with your 30 you get to sit down
all right it's a little reward but of
course you're not gonna just sit down
and rest you're gonna sit down and do
Russian twists these are great for your
obliques and this is gonna get you nice
and sore tomorrow if you've never done
anything like this keep your legs up and
rotate your torso from side to side
keeping your eyes and your head forward
so look forward when you're doing this
but make sure that your elbow is
pointing towards your toe when you reach
each side so what that means is when you
turn to the right your right elbow
should be pointing to your feet when you
turn to the left your left elbow should
be forward and if you have a weight like
a dumbbell or kettlebell then you can
use that for this one to do 20 of these
so 10 to each side then we're gonna go
right into a wide - name
pushup okay these are so good for your
chest and for your triceps just start
with the wide then slowly move your
hands into the center and do a narrow
push-up if it's too hard you can also do
it from your knees instead of your toes
and if it's too easy then you can jump
from wide to narrow quickly okay you're
only doing ten of these so try to push
yourself if you can jump jump and from
this push-up position
you're gonna come all the way down to
your stomach guys you're gonna lay down
for a second now you're gonna put your
arms forward and you going into the
Superman position this is great for your
lower back all you have to do here is
lift up your arms and your chest as well
as your your legs off the ground leaving
only your stomach in your hips touching
the ground for a second or two and
holding it up before you come back now
make sure to squeeze your when you're at
the top guys it's all about really
squeezing we don't have weights when
you're doing any of these exercises so
you have to go slow you have to squeeze
to feel that burn and you're doing 15 of
these then let's crush those obliques
again now I have to get them nice and
defined flip over to your back bend your
legs in and souville from side to side
the trick here is to keep your shoulders
off the ground the whole time
the whole time you're gonna touch your
ankles every time you squeeze to one
all right squeezing the obliques here on
your sides making sure they're really
going hard there and do not let your
shoulders touch the ground at any point
because that's cheating you're gonna do
20 of these 10 on each side as soon as
you're done put your wrists on your
thighs and it's time for crunches but
these are even better than regular
crunches because by keeping your fists
here your wrists on your thighs you
don't use as much momentum okay you have
to really activate your core and
activate your abs way more than in a
regular sit-up or regular crunch so do
12 of these and then your abs should be
burning right now okay then I can go
straight into alternating jump lunges
you're jumping nice and high you're
alternating those lunges you're coming
all the way down making sure that your
knee isn't going past your toes this is
going to burn this is probably one of my
least favorite exercises because
I know it hurts I just one hurts a lot
I'm not gonna lie but it only hurts
because it works if you get too tired
and you can't jump then no worries all
you have to do is quickly alternate your
lunges just move one foot forward one
foot back without jumping really high do
sixteen of these so you're gonna do
eight on each side to finish this
workout off we're gonna do burpees
alright these are so painful but they're
so good they're gonna burn you're gonna
be sweating for sure I'm gonna do ten
burpees making sure that you're doing a
push-up at the bottom you have to do
that pushup this is the last exercise
well the last exercise of round one when
round one is complete take a minute
break and you're going to do all of
these exercises once again you're
supposed to do all of them twice guys I
did that once all of those exercises
once and I'm already beat and we have to
do it twice so make sure that you're
doing it twice if you followed along I'm
sure that your guys are beat too because
I'm sweating I'm tired and I was only
doing it for the video for you guys tell
you what this thing is gonna stay for a
while it looks like and we're gonna have
to stay home for a little while which
means we have to be you know we have to
be innovative we have to come up with
new ways of working out at home and this
is it this is what we got to do while we
ride this thing out hopefully you guys
are staying safe and healthy you your
family anyone around you your friends
are healthy and doing okay if possible
stay home as much as possible all right
because that's gonna contain this thing
hopefully so that we can all get back to
our normal lives thank you guys so much
for watching and I'll see you again very
soon peace


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