5 Daily Habits That Will TRANSFORM Your Life

5 Daily Habits That Will TRANSFORM Your Life 

hey everyone before I start this video I
just gonna make sure that you guys are
all safe and okay and healthy you know
leave a comment down below let me know
how you guys are doing you know these
are weird times that we've never had to
live through before so I want to
continue to make these videos you know
to hopefully put a smile on your face to
entertain you guys but I also want to
make sure that you guys understand that
I know that these times are hard so I'll
be reading every comment I'll be trying
to reply to as many as I can and make
sure that you guys are okay if you have
any ideas or suggestions for new videos
about the situation about the Cova 19
coronavirus situation let me know in the
comment section down below because like
I said I'll be keeping a close eye on
all of those hopefully you're safe your
friends your family everyone around you
is healthy let's get started with this
video and I think this video is actually
gonna go really well with what's
happening right now all right because a
lot of people are at home or most people
are home there's not a lot going on in
terms of work stuff maybe you're bored
you're not going to school so you start
declining in terms of being productive
maybe this is the best time for you to
be productive because your home you have
nothing else blocking you from getting
your things done you can stay home and
you can work on your project so you can
work on your goals and you can make sure
that you get those done now that you
have the time to do it so today we're
going over five daily habits that will
completely transform your life the first
one is something that I've been doing
for a long time and I actually love it
but at first I absolutely hated it I'm
talking about getting up early when I
was younger man I hated but getting up
early I'm like I'm not a morning person
at all I hate school I don't like
getting up to catch the bus to go to
school I used to fall asleep in school
fall asleep on the bus I'm like I was
sleeping till like noon every single day
alright sleepwalking basically in school
but nowadays that has changed and yes
I'm a little bit older and maybe that's
why but I just understand the importance
of waking up early so you can get things
done before everyone else is away and
let me tell you there is no better time
to be productive than in the morning all
right when you wake up and you just hear
the birds outside and like alright this
it's time to go you put both feet on the
ground and you start your day fast
that's how you're supposed to do it
don't hit the snooze button get going
right away
this is funny because a lot of people
sometimes where they come
me you know they wake up at like 8 9
o'clock and I've been awake for 2 3
hours at that point and I got a lot of
my work done already and they're like oh
I got to work and do this I'm like dude
I'm you know I'm almost done I can go
have lunch right now I'm gonna go work
out because I woke up early I feel so
productive because I got things off my
to-do list and that is so important to
start your day with a winning mentality
that is the best when you start your day
then you start crossing things off your
to-do list when other people are still
you're gonna feel like the man you're
gonna feel like a boss and that mindset
of getting things done before anyone
else that is going to give you so much
confidence it's gonna put you in a
positive mindset to get even more things
done so go to bed early and wake up
early that is the best thing that you
can do to start your day off right
number two is especially important right
now with what's happening all right I'm
talking about focusing on only things
that you can control a lot of us are
focusing on things that we can't control
and we spend a lot of time a lot of
energy worrying about things that we
just have no control we can't do
anything about them you can sit there
and complain that you can't leave that
you can't go to school that you can't
see your friends you know it sucks it
really does but at the same time there's
nothing much you can do the best thing
for you to do right now is stay home all
you can do all you can control is your
life at home during those 24 hours wake
up get your things done control what you
can because things that are outside your
control that shouldn't be worrying you
that should not be on your mind leave
those things because that's gonna happen
regardless so why waste your time why
waste your energy why worry about
something that you have no control
that's just gonna bring you down that's
just gonna make you feel like you failed
feel like negative you know it's gonna
completely ruin your mood and your vibe
so instead this is the mentality that
you should have yes times right now are
tough you know things are rough outside
there's not much I can do
a lot of things changed in my life my
lifestyle is completely different but I
have time to work on that project now
that I'm home I have time to FaceTime a
lot of my friends and talk to them
friends that maybe I haven't seen in a
long time even when I could go out so I
have time to work out at home and do a
lot of bodyweight workouts even if I
don't have it
and you know what right now I'm healthy
that should be your mentality and that's
gonna change your mindset completely and
that goes hand-in-hand with the next
habit that will transform your life and
that is challenging yourself you know
questions that I get asked the most is
Alex why the hell did you leave Google
most people would never leave that job
like you got paid well you had you know
all types of insurance you got to travel
the world you could say that you worked
at Google and people loved that your mom
like that I'll tell you what I wanted a
bigger challenge I wanted to change
things up because I knew that there was
a ceiling at Google and you know what
there was something else waiting for me
and I wanted to find out what that was
reality is guys getting comfortable
feeling complacent is not something that
I want right now you know maybe when I'm
older I want to have a comfortable life
I want to chill out I don't really want
to challenge myself you know I just hey
when I hang out and play golf or tennis
or something but right now I want more
you know I want to be able to see what I
can achieve and you guys should think
the same way challenge yourselves in
every aspect of your life and I'm
talking about working out more changing
the way that you look I am talking about
career-wise you know what how much
bigger can I get what else can I do how
far can I go with whatever I do in life
whether you want to be a doctor or a
fireman or a teacher it doesn't really
matter how far can you go and challenge
yourself in terms of friendships and
relationships to you know maybe you
really want a friend who's gonna be able
to travel the world with you whenever we
can do that again who's gonna be able to
travel the world with you maybe you want
a boyfriend girlfriend partner who is
going to elevate you in every aspect of
your life so challenge yourself and go
for it number four guys I know this is a
tough one specially right now but maybe
it's more true than ever because you are
probably gonna eat more than than you're
used to and I'm talking about taking
care of your body no over the past few
days I was eating a lot like I said and
then now I'm like you know what no way
if I let this go any longer my body's
gonna change and it's gonna take way
longer for me to get back into the shape
that I really want to be in this year so
I'm like no I'm gonna start working out
I don't know if you guys follow me on
Instagram it's a Daleks costume but I've
been posting a lot of things there on
sick talk as well about working out at
home I'm both a little gym here at home
and you know it's just some dumbbells in
a kettlebell but man I have been going
protip for you guys on Instagram it's at
Barry's and they're doing live streams
of workouts every single day twice a day
so you can follow along it's like a 20
minute bodyweight only workout and
that's what I've been doing at home I've
been doing it to warm up but it's really
a full workout and you can do that for
20 minutes and it's an amazing workout
so take this time I know it's hard but
take this time to wake up do some
push-ups sit-ups if you have a pull-up
bar do some of those you can still go
running as long as you keep your
distance from people you can still be
active take this time to take care of
your body all right don't let yourself
go just because you're staying at home
so isolating just because you're not
seeing your friends just because knows
if you're gonna be able to go to the
beach this summer do it for yourself do
it just stay healthy because building up
your immunity system is really important
especially right now so you eat healthy
workout exercise and try to take care of
your body as much as possible the next
one guys is something that I failed for
many years in my life and that's
revisiting your goals often I used to
write my goals in beginni the year like
everyone else New Year's resolutions and
didn't ever look at them again you know
until the next year and that's not right
and trust me especially right now things
changed complete your lifestyle has
probably changed completely over the
past couple of weeks I know - so now I
have to readjust my goals all right if I
can't do this because I can't go outside
because I can't you know go work out and
in my regular classes at Barry's
bootcamp or rumble boxing or whatever
the group classes that I used to go to
how are my goal is going to change you
have to revisit them you have to make
sure that you're adjusting them so that
you can be successful it sounds silly
but that's the best way of reaching your
goals and I'm telling you a lot of
people don't do that I know a lot of you
watching this right now wrote your goals
three months ago and now are like man
I'm never gonna achieve my goals this
year because of what's happening change
them make sure that you're adjusting to
today's world to what's happening right
now around you so that you can be
success to be honest with you guys
sometimes my goals change on a daily
sometimes I wake up and my goal is to
get this thing done but then
thing happens and I have to completely
change it up so have a master list a big
list of your goals like your big big
goals take a look at them often change
them make sure that you're adjusting
them to your lifestyle make sure that
you're adjusting them to your needs and
that's gonna make you so much happier
because you're gonna know exactly what
you need to do to achieve all of those
goals guys I also just wanted to let you
know that we are running a Forte series
giveaway all right so we're giving away
a year's worth supply of Forte series
it's on the Forte students Instagram
which is a port a series all I have to
do is post before and after photo of you
styling your hair and we're gonna pick a
winner all right and you get a year's
supply of four tissues this clay is
amazing I wear it every single day it
holds my hair up and my hair is pretty
freakin long right now like it's down to
my nose and I can just do this and it
goes it goes right back up so it is an
amazing clay I'm going to leave the link
to our website as well as the Instagram
so you can go check it out and enter the
giveaway you guys don't forget to follow
me on Instagram it is at Alex Costa as
well as tik-tok Alex Costa I have been
home shooting tic TOCs YouTube videos
and Instagram content because I got
nowhere else to be so hopefully you guys
are gonna be seeing some fun tic TOCs
there hopefully I bring a smile to your
faces thank you guys so much for
watching and I'll see you again very
very soon stay safe stay healthy peace


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