How to Text Girls *LIKE A PRO* | Alex Costa

How to Text Girls *LIKE A PRO* | 

what's up everyone welcome back to my
channel my name is                right now
we have this weird situation where we
can't really leave our house what we
have to do is we have to be texting or
DME experts right you have to learn how
to communicate with yours via text
because that's the best way of doing
this right now you can't even leave your
house and most of the u.s. anyway I know
here in LA we might be on lockdown for
another two months which is insane so
you know what I want to teach you guys
how to text girls and how to be
successful with these texts to make sure
the one you can finally leave your house
then you have at least one maybe two
maybe three dates lined up and this is
how you're gonna do it the first thing
that you need to watch out for is
sending more than two messages in a row
the number one mistake that guys make
when texting girls is being impatient
because let's face it this little game
is annoying you know what I mean like we
send a text message and then we have to
wait and we don't know if she saw it or
not if she saw it and then let's left
you one scene or on red so that is a
little bit frustrating for us guys the
biggest mistake you're gonna make is
being impatient sending another message
when okay did you get that or hey I'm
just changing my plans or just trying to
send message after message to see if she
got don't do that send you a message and
you have to wait you have to be patient
you have to be woke okay with her not
answering you right away and I'll tell
you why sometimes they take long to get
back to you because they're actually
showing your text messages to other
friends to go other girls like hey what
should I say back to him what do you
think in this message what do you think
he meant by this girls always do that
right they read so much into the text
message that you sent them even though
you're not trying to go that deep you're
just answering your question or you're
just trying to be nice to her they might
take a little bit longer to get back to
you and that is okay don't go crazy and
send her back to back messages that
makes you look like you're desperate
that makes you look like you have
nothing else going on in your life and
that you like her way too much like it
in a bad way too much the second mistake
that a lot of guys make when texting and
this one I understand is a little bit
tough right now but I'll show you
get over texting too much and going into
what I call the virtual friend zone to
the pen pal of back in the days that's
when girls and guys are talking via text
and all they do is text but in reality
they never meet in person and I get it
you're not supposed to leave your house
so how are you supposed to get over this
well I think I have a solution for you
okay instead of texting and texting and
texting and saying hey we'll meet when
this is all done and over with because
who knows when that's gonna be
you should definitely ask her to
FaceTime yes granted FaceTime is not
like meeting in person but it is the
closest thing that we have right now so
if you can't FaceTime her as soon as
possible because that dynamic is gonna
be completely different from texting
it's not you sent a text and then you
wait a day or wait two hours for a reply
it is you talking to her right then and
there in real-time looking at her face
understanding her expressions and really
being able to communicate with her in a
way that you can't do over text if you
just want to be texting buddies that's
alright but that's all you're gonna get
you know you're just gonna be a virtual
friend you're gonna go into the virtual
friend zone you can't do that so to make
that better say hey let's FaceTime
tonight whenever you're free let me know
I'll give you a call and that's it I'm
telling you your girls are gonna love
that because you are being direct you're
showing her that you want to talk to her
and you're showing her that you want to
give her attention and girls as we know
love attend number three I know this is
a video about texting but you have to be
careful with your social media if you're
texting her and then you stop texting
her but then you're posting on social
media she is going to see that you're
clearly free you're clearly doing
something else instead of texting her
back and she is going to be her trust me
she's gonna get you back alright so
don't do that be very careful with what
you're posting when you're posting it so
that you're not showing her that you're
just leaving her behind are you not
giving her enough attention and this
goes without saying but I'm gonna say it
anyway because I've seen a lot of guys
falling on this trap is don't be like oh
yeah I know I'm just gonna stay home
tonight and not do anything so maybe
I'll see you tomorrow and then post that
same night that you're at the club with
the boys that is not going to go well
for you so make sure
that you don't get caught doing that
number four I think this is probably the
best tip that I can give you guys here
ask her questions instead of just
answering her question don't texture
only to talk about yourself don't be
just answering the questions that's use
asking she asked you hey how was your
day you say hey my day was really good I
did this in that how about you did you
do that thing that you're supposed to do
do you see your parents did you talk to
anyone how was your day
that is a completely different
conversation that you're having now
because you are telling her everything
about yourself but you also want to
learn about her and she's gonna notice
that she's gonna be like wow you really
wants to know about my day he really
wants to know about what I did he cares
about me my friends my family that
changes everything so if you want to be
basic answer your questions if you want
to be more expert advanced if you really
want this to work out answer the
question in detail but also ask her
questions in detail bring up our friends
names bring up her parents name things
that show her that you're listening to
her because listening and paying
attention to girls it's just like one of
the best things that you can do girls
love that
number five check your grammar check
your spelling I've seen so many bad
mistakes on text I know it's just text
and sometimes you're gonna see the
letter U instead of y-o-u but you know
if you can just spell it out you know to
just do it right
she is gonna think that you're
uneducated she's gonna think that you
don't know how to spell and it really
depends some girls don't care some girls
misspell themselves and some girls they
care like they want to make sure that
you are writing everything properly so
do it right from the beginning you know
I mean because it if you don't spell
things correctly it just looks like
you're putting zero effort into this
conversation it looks like you don't
care and it looks like you might not
even know the English language or
whatever language that you're texting in
as well as you should sound being smart
is definitely the way to go
all right so you're gonna look more
mature more classy and trust me that is
attractive that is what you want in a
woman as well right I know that if I was
texting a girl and she started
misspelling everything and be like yeah
I'm a perfectionist it's just not gonna
work out and that's just the truth next
one talk to
and ask her about our family and friends
all right this is a simple texting hat
talk to her about what she likes what
she loves and everyone likes that but
when you bring up family when you bring
up friends in a way that is more
personal asking her by name you know if
she has her Frey
how's your friend Emily doing is she
okay is everything all right I know that
she broke up with her boyfriend she's
feeling a little bit better she's gonna
be like wow you remember Emily that's
you're an amazing boy but you're a good
person when she tells you about her
parents we remember their names right
away because that's extremely important
and then when you talk to her about her
parents bring up their names bring up
their names as often as possible to show
her that you've listened to show her
that you care and to show her that you
want to be part of that family next one
here is don't send too many emojis look
emojis are fine but be careful not to
overdo it not to go overboard you don't
want to come off as clingy you don't
want to come off as cringy trust me most
girls don't like guys that are too
sensitive that are like to like Oh heart
heart heart heart eyes emoji emoji emoji
you don't want her to think that you're
exaggerating things just to impress her
because that's gonna make her doubt you
I like to send emojis once in a while
these are my favorite right here but you
know I'm never gonna send him a get
emojis back to back to back because it
just doesn't look good it's not classy
it's not masculine so I don't do that
you know what else does not classy guys
in there there's way too many guys to do
this and they shouldn't be doing this is
sending nudes look no girl wants that
I'm to tell you right now it is just not
a good look for guys okay everything you
text by the way is also public you know
they can just blast you at any point so
if you're texting nudes I'm telling you
you should stop it is not what you
should be doing right now because that
could come back later and embarrass you
embarrass your family embarrass your
friends I'm telling you you don't want
to be doing that and it's just it's
disrespectful guys it's just even if she
asks I'm telling you do not do it like
hey come see me in person that's that's
it that's it you know there's no need
for you to be doing this - sending nudes
don't be asking for news either it's
just not classy from a guy to be asking
for that so if you guys want to get
physical meet each other in person don't
be doing it like this
even on FaceTime you can record that
stuff so I'm begging you be careful with
that stuff because that can come back
guys don't forget to Like and subscribe
to become part of the YouTube family we
just reach 2.5 million subscribers and
I'm so thankful to each and every one of
you The Situation's so crazy man like I
feel a little bit weird making these
videos for you guys but I'm gonna keep
doing them you know I've been home
shooting videos shooting tic TOCs
shooting Instagram photos talking to my
family as much as possible you know and
just hoping that everything comes back
to the room goes back to normal you know
so that we can actually instead of just
texting people that we can actually see
our friends and family again so that you
guys can actually see the girls that
you're talking to again if you have any
you know questions comments suggestions
about you know this corona virus
situation or ik over 19 situation let me
know in the comment section down below
let me know if you're doing okay I hope
that you are and you know just praying
that this all goes away as quickly as
possible so that we can get back to our
lives guys thank you so much for
watching stay safe stay healthy and I'll
see you again very soon


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