Bra bulge exercises - Bra bulge exercises

Bra bulge exercises - Bra bulge exercises 

Bra bulge exercises

Bra bulge exercises

Bra bulge exercises
Bra bulge exercises
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- If you're a woman, then you probably already know about
the dreaded bra bulge, right?
That spot below your bra, on your back and under your arms
that never seems to get any leaner.
Well, today, I'm gonna show you three tips
on how to get rid of bra bulge, once and for all.
(upbeat music)
Hey, there, my name's Coach Tyler,
and I'm from,
where our goal is to get 1 million people using our workouts
and meal plans, so you can transform your body
and ultimately, transform your life
but today, we're gonna be focusing
on helping you get rid of that small roll of fat
that rears it's ugly head next to your bra
when your arms are resting at their sides.
So, first, I'm gonna explain
why you have the dreaded bra bulge
because there's three reasons
that it shows up on a woman's body.
And then second,
I'll show you how to overcome all three of these reasons,
so you can say goodbye to your bra bulge for good.
Does that sound good?
All right, before we dive into the three reasons
that you have bra bulge,
I first wanted to tell you that while these three tips
that I'll be sharing with you in this video,
are extremely valuable, there's something even more valuable
that I put at the end of this video that I wanna give you.
It's a free assessment, where you'll be able to learn
the best and worst exercises for your individual body type,
this way, you can burn more fat
and regain your strength and confidence
in the shortest time possible.
So, like I said, be on the lookout at the end of this video
for that free assessment, okay?
All right, let's dive into the three reasons
you may be experiencing bra bulge right now.
Bra bulge reason number one,
Okay, the first reason you have a bra bulge right now,
is because you have tight pectoralis muscles.
You see, there are a set of muscles underneath your breasts
that are often referred to as your pecs
and the two major muscles are your pectoralis minor
and your pectoralis major.
These are the muscle groups that everyone tends to focus on
with exercises like bench presses or push-ups
to give you a fuller looking chest.
However, often times, these muscles can get overly tight,
which will force you to have bad posture
with your shoulders slumping forward
and your shoulder blades rotating outwards.
So, in order to get your shoulders back into the right spot,
so that your bra bulge goes down,
it's a good idea to stretch your pectoralis minor
and your pectoralis major.
Lucky for you, I'll show you two quick stretches
in tip number one, that you can do any time
of the day to stretch your shoulders
into the right position and reduce your bra bulge.
Speaking of stretching,
let's talk more about that in reason number two.
Bra bulge reason number two,
the second reason you have a bra bulge,
is likely because you have underdeveloped rhomboid muscles.
This is a muscle in the middle of your upper back
that again, pulls your shoulders into the right position.
The reason this is so important,
is that after you stretch your pectoralis muscles,
you'll wanna tone the muscles
that cause you to have good posture,
this way you don't slip right back into slumping forward.
So, how do you stretch and strengthen
the rhomboid muscles of your middle back,
so that you can have better posture
and less bra bulge all the time?
Well, I'll show you the best way
to do this in tip number two.
But before we get to that,
there's one more reason that you have bra bulge right now.
Bra bulge reason number three,
the final reason you have a bra bulge right now,
is a bit obvious, but let me explain,
you see, bra bulge is caused by you having excess fat
on your upper back and under your arms
and as a woman, it's easy to expect
that you're just supposed to have fat
in this area because of your breasts.
However, if your estrogen is high,
the amount of fat on your chest
and under your arms and upper back,
will increase, making the bra bulge worse
and the only way to fix this,
isn't by going on a crash diet,
but instead to make sure your diet is producing low estrogen
and working towards increasing your testosterone,
which is why, in tip number three,
I'm gonna tell you about a diet tip
that has been proven to increase your testosterone,
which will help reduce fat on your chest
and under your arms and upper back
and help that bra bulge go away.
Okay, now that you know
the three reasons why you currently have a bra bulge,
let me share with you the three tips I promised
to help you get rid of it once and for all.
Oh, and before I show you
the exercises from tip one and two,
please make sure to check with your doctor
to make sure these exercises are okay for you.
All right, now that we got that outta the way,
let's dive straight in.
Tip number one, stretch your pecs.
Okay, as I already mentioned,
one of the reasons you have a bra bulge,
is because you have tight pectoralis major
and pectoralis minor muscles.
So, I'm gonna show you two stretches
to help you loosen those muscles
and put your shoulder blades back and down
where they're supposed to be
to improve your posture and get rid of the bra bulge.
The first one, you need a doorway, just like this
and what you're gonna do is bring your elbows
and align it with your shoulder,
so not too low, not too high
and you're gonna bring them both on the doorway like this,
from there, you're gonna take a small step forward
with your foot and you're gonna try
to bring your sternum through
the doorway as much as you can.
You're just trying to push your chest through
and what you should feel,
is a deep stretch coming from the top
of your shoulder right here,
all the way through your chest muscle,
into the middle of your chest right here.
So, what you're gonna wanna do is hold this position,
take a big breath in,
and then exhale
and try to move a little bit more forward.
Take a big breath in.
and each breath, try to move a little bit
deeper into the stretch.
You can hold the stretch
for anywhere between 30 seconds to two minutes
to really loosen up your pec major muscles,
do this at least once per day
and then also do the next stretch I'm gonna show you
for your pec minor muscles.
Tip number two,
do this shoulder strengthening exercise.
Okay, as I mentioned, in order to improve your posture,
you have to strengthen the muscles
between your shoulder blades
that pull your shoulder blades back and down
and the best exercise that I found
that you can do from the comfort of your own home,
is called the tabletop.
So, I'm gonna show you exactly how to do the tabletop
to make sure you're doing it with perfect form, okay?
To start out with, start in a seated position
on your bottom, okay?
From there, you're gonna bring your hands behind your butt,
so, behind your tailbone
with your fingers pointing backwards.
Now, the next tip is probably the most important thing
with the tabletop, so pay close attention.
Once you have your hands behind you,
you're going to open your chest
and pull your shoulder blades back
as much as you possibly can,
so I'll show you one more time,
this is where a lot of people will start this exercise,
I want you to start it here
and keep your shoulder blades here the entire time,
pull them back, the other thing you wanna avoid,
is you're not shrugging,
you're not lifting your shoulders into your ears,
you're pulling them back,
while pushing your palms into the ground,
so that your shoulder blades come back
and down at the same time.
From there, you initiate the movement by driving your heels
into the ground and lifting your hips as high as you can
and then all you have to do from there is come back down.
I like to inhale as you go up,
exhale as you come down and the big thing to think about,
is pressing the arms back the entire time,
so you're not just pressing your feet into the ground
and letting your arms get lazy,
you're pulling your shoulder blades back and down
like we talked about and as you're lifting your hips up,
you're pressing your finger tips towards
the wall behind you as much as you can,
that's what's gonna activate those muscles
in your middle back to really stretch them
and strengthen them at the same time
to improve your posture.
Now, how do you do this exercise?
The best way to do it,
is to do tabletops throughout the day, every single day.
You can do them first thing in the morning,
even while you're in bed or last thing at night,
even before you go to sleep
but the idea is practice them frequently
and it doesn't matter if you can bring your hips
all the way up or not,
just go as high as you feel comfortable
and practice them as frequently as possible,
so that you can stretch
and strengthen those muscles in the middle of your back
to improve your posture and decrease your bra bulge.
Tip number three,
eat more fat.
Okay, the final tip that I wanna talk to you about,
is that if you really wanna get rid of your bra bulge,
you must eat a higher fat diet.
Yes, ladies, I just said that in order to get rid
of that bra bulge, you need to eat more fat, not less.
You see, remember how we talked about the fat on your chest,
under your arms and on your upper back being caused
by high estrogen and low testosterone?
Well, scientist have now discovered
that by reducing your carbohydrate intake
to less than 5% of your overall calorie consumption
and increasing your fat intake
to 70% of your daily food consumption,
you can significantly increase your testosterone production
when compared against a standard western diet.
And if you're at all worried
about increasing testosterone in your body,
causing you to become manly,
you do not have to worry about that
and that's because testosterone simply decreases body fat,
especially in certain areas,
like your chest, under your arms and your upper back
and even your belly, buns and thighs
and you might even get the benefit of more energy
and a slightly higher sex drive on top of the fat loss.
So, trust me, when I say that increasing your testosterone
naturally, even if you're a woman, is a very good idea.
So, in order to do this,
try to consume about 25% of your non-veggie calories
from protein-rich foods, 5% from carbs
and 70% from healthy fats,
like olive oil, coconut oil, grass-fed butter,
avocados and avocado oil, nuts and seeds
and even some quality dairy products
and as far as veggies go, consume as many as you want.
Okay, there you have it,
three tips for getting rid of your bra bulge.
So, make sure you do the first two stretches
I showed you as often as you can,
in order to stretch that part of your chest
and help improve your posture.
Then, practice the second exercise I shared with you,
ideally, every day, first thing in the morning
or at night while you're watching T.V. or before bed.
Finally, use the diet tip
I just shared with you for just one week
and watch as the fat starts to melt off your body.
Also, while these three tips are great,
the best thing that you can do right now
to permanently transform your body,
is to take the free assessment
that I mentioned in the beginning of this video.
I pasted a link for you in the comments below,
so make sure to scroll down
and click that link to take the assessment.
When you click that link,
you'll be asked a series of questions
and then we'll be giving you
what we feel are the best and worst exercises
for you based on your answers.
This way, you can have a complete exercise program
that will help you get rid
of all of your trouble spots,
not just your bra bulge and before I go,
can I ask you to do three quick things for me?
First, since you watched this far,
then you clearly liked this video
and I think you'll like all our other videos too.
So, please make sure to hit the subscribe button
and also, to click the little bell,
when you do this,
you'll get notified when all of our new videos come out,
so you can stay on top
of the best exercises and lifestyle tips
that will help you transform your body and life faster.
Second, if you have a friend or a family member
who you know also wants to get rid of their bra bulge,
please make sure to share this video with them
and last, leave a comment below
and let me know what tip you liked the most
or simply ask us a question,
so we can make another video just like this one
to help you solve your problem.
All right, that's it for today.
Thanks again for watching
and I'll see you soon in our next video.
(upbeat music)


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