3 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight! Belly Fat Weight Loss Tips, Overeating, Bloating, Cravings,Health
3 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight! Belly Fat Weight Loss Tips, Overeating, Bloating, Cravings, Health
3 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight! Belly Fat Weight Loss Tips, Overeating, Bloating, Cravings, Health |
hey it's karena your virtual health
coach and in this video I have three
surprising weight loss tips these are
tips that really don't fit in with kind
of the mainstream approach to losing
weight but I feel that these really
address some of the biggest weight loss
mistakes that people are making so let
me know what your challenges are with
weight loss there may be a specific part
of your body like the belly fat or
weight around the thighs what are the
challenges that you are facing I would
love to do a video specifically
addressing the biggest weight loss
challenges I hope that these tips help
you let's go ahead and get started so my
first tip for this video is to eat more
fat most people who are trying to lose
weight are reaching for low-fat and
fat-free foods we could think about skim
milk and even fat-free peanut butter as
examples the idea that eating fats is
what makes us gain weight has largely
been disproven in the scientific studies
as of late so what they're finding is
that actually weight gain is more
associated with refined carbohydrates
and people who eat healthy sources of
fat on a regular basis tend to be closer
to their ideal weight tend to have less
belly fat and actually tend to have
fewer problems with things like binge
eating over eating etc partly because
fats help to actually satisfy our hunger
and partly because healthy fats are one
of the body's nutritional needs so if
you're not eating healthy fats
this could be a big reason that you find
yourself overeating other foods and
feeling like you maybe even don't have
control over your eating so let's talk
about some specific examples of healthy
fats so I have a couple of different
examples here
avocado one of my absolute all-time
favorite foods of all time and this
Kerrygold grass-fed butter
now the thing about butter is that you
start to lose the health benefits of the
fat when you heat it so cooking with
butter is really not the best idea
my preferred oil for cooking is coconut
oil but really if you can just cook with
water using steam and avoiding cooking
oils that's going to be a really good
tip in order to get the health benefits
from things like olive oil and coconut
oil they need to be consumed raw so
throw them in a smoothie throw them in a
salad dressing but anyhow so butter is
on here too and who doesn't freaking
love butter so I know that dairy is kind
of a point of contention but I wanted to
show that grass-fed butter can be a
healthy fat okay and then I have some
nuts here I have some raw almonds and
raw cashews now the thing about nuts is
that they are so nutritionally packed
it's really kind of incredible so adding
nuts to your diet is one of the best
things you can do and honestly one of
the simplest things you can do it's so
easy to just snack on nuts throughout
the day have them in a little bag in
your purse that you always have them on
hand throw them into your salads your
smoothies whatever it may be so easy to
incorporate in one of my favorite ways
to enjoy eating nuts is actually making
a nut milk or in this case what I've
made is almond milk so you can do this
with a cheesecloth and stuff but I find
that having the actual bag is really
really helpful helpful and makes this
like a hundred times easier than than
using a strainer or just a piece of
cheesecloth so artisan cooking supply my
sponsor for this video has created these
awesome little drawstring nut milk
making bags and I'm actually going to
show you in a second how I made this
almond milk how easy it is you can buy
store-bought almond milk cashew milk
coconut milk is another really common
one typically those are going to contain
and refined sugar you'll see fillers
like carrageenan and guar gum and
virtually all of the store-bought nut
milks so making your own at home is a
really super simple really easy way to
truly get the health benefits and not
those added sugars and other weird added
stuff that we typically find in the
store brought store-bought brands nuts
are a fantastic food for weight loss
they contain healthy fats healthy
protein healthy fiber they're also a
great source of vitamins like vitamin E
which is a very powerful antioxidant
remember antioxidants anti aging they're
also an excellent source of minerals
like magnesium so adding nuts into your
diet is one of the best things I can
tell you to do not only for your weight
but also for improving your health nuts
have been shown to reduce high blood
pressure they've been shown to help
people manage their blood sugar levels
more easily so there's just so many
different reasons to eat more nuts I'm
nuts about nuts if you can't tell
so making your own nut milk at home is
awesome and I just wanted to show you
real quick all of the different things
that this that this bag can be used for
so nut and seed milk fruit sauce
sprouting which is another way to unlock
even more nutrients from you know your
grains nuts seeds etc juicing teas and
even making cheese which is really cool
so you'll find a link in the description
if you would like to check out artisan
cooking supply and maybe check out
trying some of these bags out for
yourself now let's take a quick look at
how I made this delicious almond milk so
here I have my almonds they've been
soaking overnight in water when we soak
things like nuts grains and beans
overnight it helps to make them easier
to digest and a lot of times people that
experience digestive issues or bloating
after eating those foods
find that soaking them overnight will
drastically improve those issues so
after we've soaked them overnight we
want to rinse them off with filtered
water really making sure that they are
nice and clean before we put them in the
blender so we can already see that these
soaked almonds are significantly more
soft and plump than the raw ones you can
kind of see the difference there so I'm
going to take my soaked almonds and put
them in the blender now I didn't use a
measuring cup I used this little cup so
our ratio here is approximately three
and a half cups of water to one cup of
nuts so I'm going to do one two three so
I've added my three and a half cups of
water to the almonds now at this point
you could go ahead and blend it up you
would have an unsweetened almond milk I
however I'm going to add in a couple of
things to sweeten this up so you could
use dates as a great natural sweetener
I'm actually going to use a little bit
of this raw organic honey and I think
we'll actually add in the honey after so
I've just added in my three and a half
cups of water now if you are going to
use something like cacao beans or
vanilla beans to flavor your almond milk
you would want to go ahead and add
those now before we blend them but I'm
going to add in my my flavoring items
after I get these blended up alright so
I am going to blend this again but at
this point I'm going to go ahead and add
my couple of items are going to give me
a little bit of flavor so I'm going to
use just a little bit of vanilla extract
vanilla extract is something you just
need a tiny tiny amount of if you want
to just use a quarter of a teaspoon you
can probably add it in about half a
teaspoon here I'm also going to add-in
some cinnamon gives a lovely flavor in
almond milk I can always add later
and then I'm going to use some raw
organic honey to sweeten my almond milk
you could use dates as a wonderful
natural sweetener or maple syrup is
another good one things like honey and
maple syrup contains a lot of minerals so
these are great natural sweeteners
definitely way better for us than
refined sugar high fructose corn syrup
or any of those other types of issues
I'm just going to add into these little
spoonfuls here again we can always add
later if we want it sweeter look
smells really good
okay so once we have our almonds water
and other flavorful items kind of all
blended up here comes the fun and
somewhat messy part so I encourage you
to may have a towel nearby so now for
the fun but somewhat messy part I have
my artisan cooking supply nut milk bag
it looks like the
so I'm actually going to do this over a
big pan here ultimately I want my almond
milk to go in this glass I'm gonna put
the glass in here but I have the big pan
just in case because this could get
messy right
so let's see what happens all right so
I've still got a lot of sediment there
kind of at the bottom using my honey spoon
so you can see I already got almost a
a glass of almond milk here and then there
is a lot in my pan too so that was a
good idea having a little safety net and
then you can just kind of squeeze the
rest of the almond milk out so I'm just
kind of breaking up some of that almond
meal that's in there with my fingers so
that I can give it another squeeze see
how much almond milk we can get that is
probably about it right there so I want
to show you what this almond meal looks
like so so don't throw away the almond
meal that remains I'm actually going to
put this in a little jar and freeze it
for now, you can use it in baking you can
use it in all kinds of different areas
so the almond meal that remains is
actually really valuable part two of
course we've got a lot of fiber and
nutrients in there so you don't want to
throw that away and voila
now put this into the refrigerator let
it chills for a little bit my second tip
is to stop weighing yourself or if you
are going to weigh yourself do it
smarter so what I mean by that is that
when we are slaves to the scale when
we're constantly looking at our weight
day after day what tends to end up
happening is that we are so fixated on
this number and whether or not that
the number is moving that we can kind of
start to lose sight of our overall goal
we start to really fixate on that number
and if that number isn't going down we
feel like we're not doing it right
nothing's working and it totally defeats
our motivation so where it can be really
motivating to see your progress it's
actually way worse for you if you feel
like you're not seeing that number go
down so one reason for that is that
muscle actually weighs more than fat so
if you're working out you're actually
gonna maybe see your weight increase
again because muscle weighs more than
fat another consideration is that we
weigh different things throughout the
the day we weigh different things depending
on when was the last time we ate when
was the last time we exercised us also
will retain water at different rates
different parts of the day different
parts of the year so there's all these
different factors that start to kind of
fog up what that scale is showing you so
what I mean when I say to weigh yourself
smarter is to consider getting a smart
scale so this one is by Creusot or craze
oh not quite sure how you pronounce it
but essentially what it does is it
connects to an app on your phone so then
it sends all this information to the app
in your phone, it's going to show me what
percentage is water weight what's my
body fat percentage what's my BMI then
it even has this little chart that kind
of shows where my BMI falls on the scale
so this gives us so much more
information than just seeing how much we
weigh and if you were to actually keep
doing this in keeping track of your
numbers it even keeps track of all of it
for you and you'll end up seeing a
little graph showing your progress so
now you're actually able to watch your
body fat percentage change or watch your
BMI change you just have so much more
information to help let you know if your
workouts are working and how your weight
loss journey is going perhaps the most
important part of this tip is just to
avoid stressing yourself out about your
weight and even if you're using a smart
scale use that information to help push
you forward and just try to avoid
stressing yourself out over those
numbers use them to help you and don't
let them hold you back my third tip is
to stop trying to lose weight and what I
mean by that is to take your focus off
of weight loss and try to put it more on
improving your health so let's talk
about a specific example one of the most
common things that I see is people
drinking these meal replacement type
beverages slim-fast as maybe the most
popular one so I've talked about
slimfast in several articles our first
ingredient is fat-free milk so if you
think about my first tip about eating
healthy fats and not taking the fat out
of food that naturally contain them you
can see why right off the bat I'm not a
fan of this product second ingredient is
a third ingredient Arabic gum canola oil
milk protein concentrate blah blah blah
blah blah we also have artificial
sweeteners like acesulfame potassium so
there are just so many reasons that this
is a threat to your health and in so
being it's a threat to your weight loss
so one simple thing we can do is to stop
drinking these weight loss drinks that
you know slimfast even designed their
bottle right
to make you think it's going to help you
lose weight we also have this South
Beach diet 100 calorie smoothie stop
drinking the weight loss drinks they're
full of a bunch of processed junk and
instead opt for something that is geared
towards improving your health so I have
this cassava meal replacement here as an
example so what you'll notice is nowhere
on this bag does it say diet or weight
loss or slim or whatever this is a
product that was designed with health in
mind rather than trying to make you
think it's going to help you lose weight
so the thing about this stuff is that it
contains a lot of protein a lot of
healthy fats contains a lot of greens
like broccoli kale spinach Brussels
sprouts garlic asparagus celery all
these different vegetables so not only
is it going to be great to help you
replace a meal alright and actually if
we just look at the protein content
alone comparing these we get 24 grams of
protein from this meal replacement drink
10 grams of protein in a slim fast and
only 6 grams of protein in the South
Beach diet so yeah
between these not containing fats
they're not going to fill you up
they don't really contain let's see if
we got any fiber 5 grams of fiber 6
grams of fiber 9 grams of fiber no fats
or let's see no fats less protein this
gives you healthy fats and it gives you
twice or more than twice the protein
than these other drinks and it also is
going to give you health benefits so one
really core part of my philosophy as a
holistic health coach is that your
health and your ideal weight are going
to kind of come hand-in-hand so if you
can take your focus off of weight loss
and being stressed out about losing
weight and try to think more about just
improving your health and doing things
that are good for your body you're going
to find that
that excess weight just starts to fall
off so shift your focus understand that
supporting your health and really even
prioritizing your health over weird
weight loss claims and weight loss
products is actually going to help you
to get closer to those weight loss goals
thank you so much for watching this
video would love to hear your feedback
on any of these tips I shared and if you
want to leave me your biggest weight
loss challenge or what you find the
hardest about losing weight would love
to know that would love to make a video
for you I hope you'll subscribe to the
channel so you can come back and join me
again in the future we have all kinds of
different information on this channel
follow along workouts follow along yoga
we have lots of informational articles to
really address all the different aspects
of your life helping to improve your
health and in so doing help you reach
that weight-loss goal that you have as
well if you'd like to learn more about
me you can visit me at Corrina Rachel
calm I want to thank artisan cooking
supply for sponsoring this video letting
me try out the nut milk bags and make my
own almond milk it tastes delicious
healthy nutritious I can't say enough
how nuts I am about nuts anyways guys
thank you so much for watching and I
look forward to seeing you again in the
coach and in this video I have three
surprising weight loss tips these are
tips that really don't fit in with kind
of the mainstream approach to losing
weight but I feel that these really
address some of the biggest weight loss
mistakes that people are making so let
me know what your challenges are with
weight loss there may be a specific part
of your body like the belly fat or
weight around the thighs what are the
challenges that you are facing I would
love to do a video specifically
addressing the biggest weight loss
challenges I hope that these tips help
you let's go ahead and get started so my
first tip for this video is to eat more
fat most people who are trying to lose
weight are reaching for low-fat and
fat-free foods we could think about skim
milk and even fat-free peanut butter as
examples the idea that eating fats is
what makes us gain weight has largely
been disproven in the scientific studies
as of late so what they're finding is
that actually weight gain is more
associated with refined carbohydrates
and people who eat healthy sources of
fat on a regular basis tend to be closer
to their ideal weight tend to have less
belly fat and actually tend to have
fewer problems with things like binge
eating over eating etc partly because
fats help to actually satisfy our hunger
and partly because healthy fats are one
of the body's nutritional needs so if
you're not eating healthy fats
this could be a big reason that you find
yourself overeating other foods and
feeling like you maybe even don't have
control over your eating so let's talk
about some specific examples of healthy
fats so I have a couple of different
examples here
avocado one of my absolute all-time
favorite foods of all time and this
Kerrygold grass-fed butter
now the thing about butter is that you
start to lose the health benefits of the
fat when you heat it so cooking with
butter is really not the best idea
my preferred oil for cooking is coconut
oil but really if you can just cook with
water using steam and avoiding cooking
oils that's going to be a really good
tip in order to get the health benefits
from things like olive oil and coconut
oil they need to be consumed raw so
throw them in a smoothie throw them in a
salad dressing but anyhow so butter is
on here too and who doesn't freaking
love butter so I know that dairy is kind
of a point of contention but I wanted to
show that grass-fed butter can be a
healthy fat okay and then I have some
nuts here I have some raw almonds and
raw cashews now the thing about nuts is
that they are so nutritionally packed
it's really kind of incredible so adding
nuts to your diet is one of the best
things you can do and honestly one of
the simplest things you can do it's so
easy to just snack on nuts throughout
the day have them in a little bag in
your purse that you always have them on
hand throw them into your salads your
smoothies whatever it may be so easy to
incorporate in one of my favorite ways
to enjoy eating nuts is actually making
a nut milk or in this case what I've
made is almond milk so you can do this
with a cheesecloth and stuff but I find
that having the actual bag is really
really helpful helpful and makes this
like a hundred times easier than than
using a strainer or just a piece of
cheesecloth so artisan cooking supply my
sponsor for this video has created these
awesome little drawstring nut milk
making bags and I'm actually going to
show you in a second how I made this
almond milk how easy it is you can buy
store-bought almond milk cashew milk
coconut milk is another really common
one typically those are going to contain
and refined sugar you'll see fillers
like carrageenan and guar gum and
virtually all of the store-bought nut
milks so making your own at home is a
really super simple really easy way to
truly get the health benefits and not
those added sugars and other weird added
stuff that we typically find in the
store brought store-bought brands nuts
are a fantastic food for weight loss
they contain healthy fats healthy
protein healthy fiber they're also a
great source of vitamins like vitamin E
which is a very powerful antioxidant
remember antioxidants anti aging they're
also an excellent source of minerals
like magnesium so adding nuts into your
diet is one of the best things I can
tell you to do not only for your weight
but also for improving your health nuts
have been shown to reduce high blood
pressure they've been shown to help
people manage their blood sugar levels
more easily so there's just so many
different reasons to eat more nuts I'm
nuts about nuts if you can't tell
so making your own nut milk at home is
awesome and I just wanted to show you
real quick all of the different things
that this that this bag can be used for
so nut and seed milk fruit sauce
sprouting which is another way to unlock
even more nutrients from you know your
grains nuts seeds etc juicing teas and
even making cheese which is really cool
so you'll find a link in the description
if you would like to check out artisan
cooking supply and maybe check out
trying some of these bags out for
yourself now let's take a quick look at
how I made this delicious almond milk so
here I have my almonds they've been
soaking overnight in water when we soak
things like nuts grains and beans
overnight it helps to make them easier
to digest and a lot of times people that
experience digestive issues or bloating
after eating those foods
find that soaking them overnight will
drastically improve those issues so
after we've soaked them overnight we
want to rinse them off with filtered
water really making sure that they are
nice and clean before we put them in the
blender so we can already see that these
soaked almonds are significantly more
soft and plump than the raw ones you can
kind of see the difference there so I'm
going to take my soaked almonds and put
them in the blender now I didn't use a
measuring cup I used this little cup so
our ratio here is approximately three
and a half cups of water to one cup of
nuts so I'm going to do one two three so
I've added my three and a half cups of
water to the almonds now at this point
you could go ahead and blend it up you
would have an unsweetened almond milk I
however I'm going to add in a couple of
things to sweeten this up so you could
use dates as a great natural sweetener
I'm actually going to use a little bit
of this raw organic honey and I think
we'll actually add in the honey after so
I've just added in my three and a half
cups of water now if you are going to
use something like cacao beans or
vanilla beans to flavor your almond milk
you would want to go ahead and add
those now before we blend them but I'm
going to add in my my flavoring items
after I get these blended up alright so
I am going to blend this again but at
this point I'm going to go ahead and add
my couple of items are going to give me
a little bit of flavor so I'm going to
use just a little bit of vanilla extract
vanilla extract is something you just
need a tiny tiny amount of if you want
to just use a quarter of a teaspoon you
can probably add it in about half a
teaspoon here I'm also going to add-in
some cinnamon gives a lovely flavor in
almond milk I can always add later
and then I'm going to use some raw
organic honey to sweeten my almond milk
you could use dates as a wonderful
natural sweetener or maple syrup is
another good one things like honey and
maple syrup contains a lot of minerals so
these are great natural sweeteners
definitely way better for us than
refined sugar high fructose corn syrup
or any of those other types of issues
I'm just going to add into these little
spoonfuls here again we can always add
later if we want it sweeter look
smells really good
okay so once we have our almonds water
and other flavorful items kind of all
blended up here comes the fun and
somewhat messy part so I encourage you
to may have a towel nearby so now for
the fun but somewhat messy part I have
my artisan cooking supply nut milk bag
it looks like the
so I'm actually going to do this over a
big pan here ultimately I want my almond
milk to go in this glass I'm gonna put
the glass in here but I have the big pan
just in case because this could get
messy right
so let's see what happens all right so
I've still got a lot of sediment there
kind of at the bottom using my honey spoon
so you can see I already got almost a
a glass of almond milk here and then there
is a lot in my pan too so that was a
good idea having a little safety net and
then you can just kind of squeeze the
rest of the almond milk out so I'm just
kind of breaking up some of that almond
meal that's in there with my fingers so
that I can give it another squeeze see
how much almond milk we can get that is
probably about it right there so I want
to show you what this almond meal looks
like so so don't throw away the almond
meal that remains I'm actually going to
put this in a little jar and freeze it
for now, you can use it in baking you can
use it in all kinds of different areas
so the almond meal that remains is
actually really valuable part two of
course we've got a lot of fiber and
nutrients in there so you don't want to
throw that away and voila
now put this into the refrigerator let
it chills for a little bit my second tip
is to stop weighing yourself or if you
are going to weigh yourself do it
smarter so what I mean by that is that
when we are slaves to the scale when
we're constantly looking at our weight
day after day what tends to end up
happening is that we are so fixated on
this number and whether or not that
the number is moving that we can kind of
start to lose sight of our overall goal
we start to really fixate on that number
and if that number isn't going down we
feel like we're not doing it right
nothing's working and it totally defeats
our motivation so where it can be really
motivating to see your progress it's
actually way worse for you if you feel
like you're not seeing that number go
down so one reason for that is that
muscle actually weighs more than fat so
if you're working out you're actually
gonna maybe see your weight increase
again because muscle weighs more than
fat another consideration is that we
weigh different things throughout the
the day we weigh different things depending
on when was the last time we ate when
was the last time we exercised us also
will retain water at different rates
different parts of the day different
parts of the year so there's all these
different factors that start to kind of
fog up what that scale is showing you so
what I mean when I say to weigh yourself
smarter is to consider getting a smart
scale so this one is by Creusot or craze
oh not quite sure how you pronounce it
but essentially what it does is it
connects to an app on your phone so then
it sends all this information to the app
in your phone, it's going to show me what
percentage is water weight what's my
body fat percentage what's my BMI then
it even has this little chart that kind
of shows where my BMI falls on the scale
so this gives us so much more
information than just seeing how much we
weigh and if you were to actually keep
doing this in keeping track of your
numbers it even keeps track of all of it
for you and you'll end up seeing a
little graph showing your progress so
now you're actually able to watch your
body fat percentage change or watch your
BMI change you just have so much more
information to help let you know if your
workouts are working and how your weight
loss journey is going perhaps the most
important part of this tip is just to
avoid stressing yourself out about your
weight and even if you're using a smart
scale use that information to help push
you forward and just try to avoid
stressing yourself out over those
numbers use them to help you and don't
let them hold you back my third tip is
to stop trying to lose weight and what I
mean by that is to take your focus off
of weight loss and try to put it more on
improving your health so let's talk
about a specific example one of the most
common things that I see is people
drinking these meal replacement type
beverages slim-fast as maybe the most
popular one so I've talked about
slimfast in several articles our first
ingredient is fat-free milk so if you
think about my first tip about eating
healthy fats and not taking the fat out
of food that naturally contain them you
can see why right off the bat I'm not a
fan of this product second ingredient is
a third ingredient Arabic gum canola oil
milk protein concentrate blah blah blah
blah blah we also have artificial
sweeteners like acesulfame potassium so
there are just so many reasons that this
is a threat to your health and in so
being it's a threat to your weight loss
so one simple thing we can do is to stop
drinking these weight loss drinks that
you know slimfast even designed their
bottle right
to make you think it's going to help you
lose weight we also have this South
Beach diet 100 calorie smoothie stop
drinking the weight loss drinks they're
full of a bunch of processed junk and
instead opt for something that is geared
towards improving your health so I have
this cassava meal replacement here as an
example so what you'll notice is nowhere
on this bag does it say diet or weight
loss or slim or whatever this is a
product that was designed with health in
mind rather than trying to make you
think it's going to help you lose weight
so the thing about this stuff is that it
contains a lot of protein a lot of
healthy fats contains a lot of greens
like broccoli kale spinach Brussels
sprouts garlic asparagus celery all
these different vegetables so not only
is it going to be great to help you
replace a meal alright and actually if
we just look at the protein content
alone comparing these we get 24 grams of
protein from this meal replacement drink
10 grams of protein in a slim fast and
only 6 grams of protein in the South
Beach diet so yeah
between these not containing fats
they're not going to fill you up
they don't really contain let's see if
we got any fiber 5 grams of fiber 6
grams of fiber 9 grams of fiber no fats
or let's see no fats less protein this
gives you healthy fats and it gives you
twice or more than twice the protein
than these other drinks and it also is
going to give you health benefits so one
really core part of my philosophy as a
holistic health coach is that your
health and your ideal weight are going
to kind of come hand-in-hand so if you
can take your focus off of weight loss
and being stressed out about losing
weight and try to think more about just
improving your health and doing things
that are good for your body you're going
to find that
that excess weight just starts to fall
off so shift your focus understand that
supporting your health and really even
prioritizing your health over weird
weight loss claims and weight loss
products is actually going to help you
to get closer to those weight loss goals
thank you so much for watching this
video would love to hear your feedback
on any of these tips I shared and if you
want to leave me your biggest weight
loss challenge or what you find the
hardest about losing weight would love
to know that would love to make a video
for you I hope you'll subscribe to the
channel so you can come back and join me
again in the future we have all kinds of
different information on this channel
follow along workouts follow along yoga
we have lots of informational articles to
really address all the different aspects
of your life helping to improve your
health and in so doing help you reach
that weight-loss goal that you have as
well if you'd like to learn more about
me you can visit me at Corrina Rachel
calm I want to thank artisan cooking
supply for sponsoring this video letting
me try out the nut milk bags and make my
own almond milk it tastes delicious
healthy nutritious I can't say enough
how nuts I am about nuts anyways guys
thank you so much for watching and I
look forward to seeing you again in the
weight loss tipshow to lose weightways to lose weighthow to make nut milknut milk baghomemade almond milksmart scalebelly fatovereatingbloatingSlimfastKachavaCorrinapsychetruthweight loss drinkshealthhealthy eatingnutritionhealthy fatsmeal replacement powder
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