10 Easy Things ANY GUY Can Do To INSTANTLY Look Better

10 Easy Things ANY GUY Can Do To INSTANTLY Look Better |  Costa

1. INSTANTLY Look Better 

you could change very minor things about your daily routine to look ten times better would you do it who wouldn't if you can go from being average to being awesome to looking incredible and feeling
confident in your own skin didn't why it's a no-brainer right well this article is all about minor tweaks that you can do right now that will have a huge impact in your life that's because of today
I have a list of ten easy things any guy can do to instantly and I mean instantly look better number

2. White Teeth 

one on today's list is whitened your teeth look if you have stained yellow dirty teeth that's not good alright and it's so easy to fix it's quick and easy guys you can literally go to a pharmacy get a whitening strip that you can buy off the shelf and whiten your teeth within just a couple of hours it's not going to be perfect it's not gonna get rid of all the stains but if you do that over a period of time not talking about two three-four days maybe a week or two you're gonna notice the difference and
it's going to be incredible I widen my teeth all the time and it makes such a big difference in your smile it makes me more confident it makes me not want to hide my smile because back then when my
teeth weren't as white ice to not want to smile I used to be a little bit more shy about showing my teeth and now maybe I can smile all day long because these are white besides whitening your teeth
with strips, you can also use whitening toothpaste every single day when you brush your teeth you can use whitening mouthwash so you basically just put some on your mouth you switch
for about 30 seconds to it to a minute and then you spit it out and that's going to help maintain your teeth whites as well as whiten them more and more if you guys need any recommendation for whitening strips I'm gonna leave a list of them in the description below so you can go I'll leave two to three so you can go and pick the ones.

3. Work on your Posture

that you like the most number two guys is work on your posture your posture is going to impact how you are seen by the outside world now you can walk around like this alright and you can be in a an amazing suit you can be crisp AF but if you walk around like this no one is going to like
that no one's gonna look at you be like damn that guy's a boss no because you're gonna have that weird like I don't want to talk to any one type of posture now if you stick your chest out put your shoulders back have your back straight that's gonna show people that you mean business if you walk with intent with intention to get somewhere quickly that's gonna show people that you are a boss that you have somewhere to be that you're busy that you're not just walking for no reason that you have
a plan and a man with a plan that's attractive and I know I'm making fun of it now but I've actually always had pretty bad posture especially for someone like me who works out all the time who's pretty athletic my posture has been crap so lately what I've been doing is I've really been paying attention to how I sit and to me that's the biggest thing that's my biggest mistake sitting down on my computer and just punching like this and just being on my laptop for hours this is so bad guys so now I try to always sit back relax you know try to try to have really good posture I bought a back brace on Amazon it was like 20 bucks you know it's been saving my life it's so good or you can even try one of those upright posture technology things that you stick to your back and then that tells you whether or not you're slouching that's very very cool it's very important I love seeing technology come to help us
out number 

4. Hair Styling Products 

Three is having the right hair styling products for your hair style first of all guys if you're still using gel or some bad news for you it's time to throw that out the window gel was cool like 20 years ago it is such a bad product now nobody should be using gel anymore it's time to let it go there are so many better options out there especially if you're looking to get a hairstyle like mine where you have a lot
of volume you have texture as you can see right there you have flexibility but it still stays up all day long and as you guys probably know if what I use in my hair is for taste series texture clay
it is an amazing product it took me so long to develop this product it's listed in the description below and it has a very extreme high hole that's gonna last you all day long your hair is not gonna fall flat and even if it does let me show you it can just bring it right back up because it has so much hold and it's still flexible something else that I'm very proud of being able to do with this product is infusing argan oil into this clay which means that not only is your hair going to look amazing and it's going to stay to stay up but also it is being nourished as you leave it on the feedback has been incredible from you guys I cannot thank you enough for getting this product for supporting me for supporting the Forte team and all the work that we did developing this product and creating this brand and trust me it's not gonna be just a clay we have so much more coming out for you guys we started with the clay and trust me we're not ending there all right so if you guys want an amazing hairstyle find the right hair product for you whether it's a pomade whether it's something else not gel clay would be ideal if you're going for something like this and for take clay it would be the product that you're looking
for it is listed in the description below and it's gonna hold your hair up all day long for teh series.com 

5. Excise Your Forearms 

Is where you find it next on this list guys something that girls love it's kind of funny how much they love it and it's something that once I discovered this I was like I see I can understand why and I'm gonna make sure that I have this I'm talking about working out your forearms alright your forearms I didn't really get why people, even more, tell their forearms back in the day when I first started working out I'm like why do I want to work out my forearms I want some big biceps I want some big triceps a big chest you know you forget the legs you forget the forums but then I understood it is the first muscle that people see it is the first muscle that people if they see your forearms and you have
massive muscular forearms and they know this dude means business this dude is strong and as you guys know girls want a guy who can protect them that to them is sexy that to them is attractive next on this list

6. Never Ever Smell Bad 

Never ever smell bad I do you have to do everything in your power to smell amazing and that's such a quick easy fix smelling bad has to be the biggest turnoff of them all you can be this amazing looking guy right at n a Greek god and then you open your mouth and all of a sudden that bad breath from like cartoons just goes into these girl this girls like nostrils right it is there's no way you're gonna make out with this girl there's zero chance that she's gonna be into you if she smells what you
had for dinner so make sure that you're brushing your teeth make sure that you're flossing especially because that's gonna get rid of a lot of that smell and of course using mouthwash as well but most importantly guys when it comes to smelling bad you have to be aware of your bee you have to be aware that you need to wear deodorant you need to wear antiperspirant if that's you know if that's gonna be stronger if you need something that's a little bit stronger apply antiperspirant at night before you go to bed because that's gonna make sure that you don't smell bad the next day and of course if you really want to smell amazing then apply Cologne apply some fragrances you know blue Chanel a lower ohm sport or extreme I have so many article  on cologne Xia on the website so go check
it out to make sure that you smell like a ten and not only just look like a ten you need to smell like it another easy thing that you can start doing right now right

7. Drinking More Water

The second is drinking more water and that's gonna help you in so many different ways I don't even know why I have to sit here and tell you this but it's it's there's so many benefits to drinking more water and I used to be dehydrated all the time and I didn't even notice I didn't even know and then
once I read about it once I started doing more research I understood why my skin was so dry or why my hair wasn't good why I wasn't really getting the fitness goals that I wanted to reach and that's all because I was dehydrated once you start drinking more water then your skin is going to look better it's gonna be more hydrated it's gonna be softer and smoother your hair is gonna grow faster it's gonna be more you know soft and smooth and silky and of course you're gonna reach your fitness goals way faster than if you're dehydrated so the best thing you can do is keep track of how much water you're drinking every single day I would say more is always better than less so if you can drink you know a lot of water every day and see how that affects your body that's gonna be amazing trust me you're gonna see the results immediately one thing 

8. Underdressed is Not Ok

That you should know right now is that overdressed is always better than underdressed and every time I think about this it always reminds me of this party that I went to nobody told me that it was a the kind of party they were a suit to write so I show up and I literally show up in something like this
it was like a white tee and I had a jacket over it and I look around and I'm just like this is a disaster the fashion guy the fashion guru on aricle shows up to a party and is the most underdressed person out of a hundred people I was I went bright red I didn't know what to do I didn't know where to hide it was a vote party too there was nowhere I could go I was stuck on this boat for hours underdressed and I kept thinking if everyone else around me was wearing an outfit like this and I was wearing a suit it wouldn't be as bad I wouldn't care because I looks good in a suit I would look good in a suit if
you're over just it's always so much better than being underdressed make sure that you ask people what kind of attire are we talking about for this event or this party or you know whatever thing we're doing tonight just because it is always good to plan your outfit always good to know exactly what you're walking into but if you don't know where you're going if you don't know what kind of outfits people are gonna be wearing then shoot for the stars man go or overdressed for a shirt instead of underdressed next on today's

 9. Develop a Skincare

list of 10 easy things any man can do to look better is develop a skincare routine that works for you we all have different skin types right and we all go through different phases so I can't if I give you my skincare routine and I've done that before it's not necessarily gonna work for your skin maybe your skin is oily maybe it's dry maybe it's a combination you know the thing that's gonna make the major difference here is how you eat of course and then also the type of skin that you have so that you can find the right products for that skin type now what I like to do is make sure that I wash my face at least twice a day morning and night and moisturize my face right after I wash it so twice as well because I do have dry skin especially here especially here might like my t-zone I need to make sure that my skin is moisturize but a lot of people with oily skin they need to suck that oiliness out so they need different products they need to exfoliate more than others so the biggest tip I can give you guys when it comes to skin care is find out what type of skin you have so that you can then research the right product for you and guys

10. Smile More

smile more alright this is the most underrated tip here today it is so easy to do just this that's it but it's so effective smiling means that you're fun it means that you're happy and if somebody doesn't like that then you need to cut those people from your life if you're at a bar and you look over and you see a guy talking to a girl and he's smiley and she's smiling what do you think you get a little bit jealous why are you like what are they talking about you get curious you're like why are they so happy why am I not there should I should I leave should I be there what's going on what I need to know what is happening so when you're smiling when you're somewhere and you're smiling you attract positivity people look at you and they they're jealous of your happiness so smile you know people are gonna look at you and say this dude is happy it is it is positive I want to be around him it's like a magnet when it comes to positivity it's gonna come back to you if you learn something new from today's article make sure to hit that subscribe button below to become part of the website family we keep growing every single day and I couldn't be happier with the feedback that we've been getting not only on Forte but also on the article on my Instagram page it's been amazing and this community that we've built is just insane I'm so excited for 2020 there's so much that I'm working on right now and yeah I'm gonna be sharing a lot more with you soon so make sure to follow me on instagram at Costa and subscribe the lobe to learn more and more here on the channel thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you again very very soon peace


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